
* Hire prices subject to a 5% settlement discount for payment within the agreed period. T&C's apply.


Emo Passive DI Box

High quality passive direct injection boxes with multipurpose inputs and output. The units are suita...

d&b XSL8

The XSL8 is a mobile specific line array module purposefully designed for small to medium scale soun...

d&b XSL12

The XSL12 is a mobile specific line array module purposefully designed for small to medium scale sou...

d&b XSL-Sub

The XSL-SUB is a cardioid subwoofer for the XSL System. When the XSL-SUB Mounting frame is used, ...

d&b KSL8

The KSL8 line array module produces an 80° constant directivity dispersion pattern in the horizonta...

d&b KSL12

The KSL12 is a line array module specifically designed for medium to large-scale sound reinforcement...

d&b SL-GSub

The SL-SUB and SL-GSUB are cardioid subwoofers to compliment the GSL and KSL Systems. The SL-SUB rig...

d&b SL Sub

The SL-SUB are cardioid subwoofers to compliment the KSL Systems.  The subwoofers are actively driv...